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  • Writer's pictureHelena Baker

I Started a Business Six Months Before a Global Pandemic

Updated: Oct 4, 2020

Some of you may well remember my previous blog “Overeducatedandoverdressed,” (OEAOD) a blog that, over time, became rather focused on my dating life. This overreliance on one subject matter came to a grinding halt when I met the boyfriend, and dating stories were no longer flowing.

This was the first death toll to OEAOD, the second was when I missed the emails letting me know the domain needed renewing, meaning, tragically in 2019 OEAOED came to a grinding halt.

Boyfriend, was, naturally, rather delighted that my entire dating history was no longer on the interweb for the consumption of a hungry public. And, in truth, I had rather outgrown OEAOD, especially given that more and more of my Facebook was work related. Its humorous content lacked the professionalism I was seeking to exude in my new home country.

However, as a self-proclaimed writer with one unpublished novel under my belt - I have rather missed being able to expound upon the contents in my head, and of course I have much missed those good ol’ Facebook likes. Mainly, because I have an unhealthy relationship with social media and the validation it provides me. And, no I haven’t watched the Social Dilemma and no, it won’t suddenly cure me.

Anyway I digress.

For some time now I have wanted to bring a blog back, but have been stumped as to the content. Because, naturally as a woman in my late twenties, if I’m not writing about dating, what on earth is left?

After giving myself a thorough talking to for believing myself to be akin to the writers of SATC circa the noughties, I devised a new plan.

I would write a blog.

It would be epic.

I would fill it with content about starting my own company six months before a global pandemic altered our lives so inexplicably, I still feel the reverberations attacking my body on a daily basis. But, also about my battles with mental health, my challenges with weight as well as what it's like adjusting to my new home country.

Basically, it would be about my life.

Because I am still an interesting person even without my dating stories….well I certainly bloody hope so.

So for this first one, I thought I’d talk a little about what it’s actually like to own and run your own business during a pandemic. Before I take you upon this journey with me, I just want to add a disclaimer before the hate starts and y’all start typing comments furiously - which to be honest, I kinda welcome because it's awesome for the algorithm. Meaning more people see my content ‘coz, frankly it’s better to be talked about than ignored.

But, I do feel this caveat is super duper important in the current climate.

I am incredibly, insanely lucky to be in an industry that allows me to work online and please don’t think I take that for granted in the slightest.

Satisfied? Good, we shall get rockin and rollin’

The Five Steps of Being a Business Owner in a Global Pandemic

  1. Blind and Uncontrollable Panic

Actually, this isn’t true because first there was denial, for a long time. I was like well my groups are never over twenty people. And, then as the net tightened so did my breath. Finally, I accepted that indeed, we would not be able to meet in person. At this point in time I had started the business only six months before and, frankly, there was no operating manual telling me what to do. Having put everything into ESN - i.e I was starting to rely on it as a sole income - this was just incredibly terrifying. I can’t really express the sheer terror of seeing the one thing you have built for so long come tumbling down. So I paused meetings and took to my bed feeling incredibly and just really very sorry for myself.

2. Panic (Part II)

Out of panic, concern over income and really just not thinking through decisions properly and cautiously - I then released two online programmes. Now, whilst both of these programmes did tremendous benefit to my online profile and general brand. Particularly given some of the fantastic names that took part *cough* Jamie Geller *cough*. I took on too much, didn’t think it through properly at all and, essentially, tried to create an entirely new brand in the ashes of corona. I cried more times than I care to remember and it took an incredibly trying toll on my emotional health. Guys - learn from me. If you ever feel like you are up against it, then take a breath and take a beat before you think about your next plan. If you come out kicking, you may find you are the only person harmed in the process.

3. Sweet Relief

Everything is back to normal, corona is basically over and I’m going back to face to face meetings. It was like when you first get back together with an ex. There was like this brief window of a month where it was beautiful. I was walking on an air, but then things changed. The reasons you stopped in the first place became clear and yet people were still coming to your events (this is where the boyfriend analogy no longer becomes relevant, much to my, current, boyfriend’s relief).

But, seriously guys here I was faced with a serious problem. People were still coming to events - even in areas that were facing, at the time, record breaking numbers (obviously now those numbers have been broken and then some), but it wasn’t that the demand wasn’t there. I just wasn’t so keen on being the supplier. The final nail in the coffin was at my last face to face meeting where every single person turned up. Never, in the history of an event has every single person who signed up, turned up. It just doesn’t happen.

And, yet here we were in a global pandemic, with numbers rising and I had a full house. My anxiety was so high, it’s still not clear to me how I survived the meeting - all I remember thinking is that it takes one person and I have just a huge problem.

I went home - shaken and more than a little overwhelmed. And then, something hit me - and I know this is going to sound grandiose and more than a little haughty, but don’t forget to leave those negative comments and to tell your friends!

I realised I had to be a leader. People may want to come to events, they may want to meet face to face, but I wasn’t comfortable with supplying. End of discussion. There was more to this piece than giving the people what they wanted, and I had to rise above it.

4. Change

This time, I had the benefit of four months of experience in running online events as well as time to really consider and understand my options.

So I moved online, and I reduced the price of membership.

I did this, because whilst I genuinely believe I run the darn best online networking events in Israel, if not the entire Middle East #sorrynotsorry, and that I know members are still benefiting from new business and incredible guests speakers, it’s not the same. It just isn’t.

It is the very best option that is available right now, but I felt comfortable lowering prices (which normally goes against the very core of my being) to acknowledge this temporary change. And then I had my best ever month and onboarded twelve new members in July. A happy ending, right?

5. Living in this new reality


It’s still hard. I am still running a new business in a pandemic and there are days I’m stressed and overwhelmed and not really sure how to move forward. There are many, many days like that, and again I know how lucky I am, but yet it’s still ruddy hard.

There are days, honestly when I think to myself - would I have started this business knowing what I know now?

I’m still unsure as to the answer, but there you have it - the five stages of owning a business in a pandemic.

If you fancy commenting on this blog post with your own experiences, well….I encourage that wholeheartedly. If you want to have a more private conversation you’re more than welcome to drop me a message.

If you have enjoyed this blog please follow me on Instagram @networkwithhelena for some more of my musings and hard truths. (But, seriously please do….k thanks).

And, if you fancy having me as a guest speaker/podcast guest/guest blogger do reach out - I’m as good a schmoozer as I am a writer and am happy to answer any and all questions honestly and truthfully.



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